Safety Training
Dwight:[out of breath] Guys! Listen up! Michael is up on the roof, and acting strange!
Andy:Whoa! What's the situation?
Dwight:[hesitates] Un-shun. I think he's suffering from depression. Re-shun.
Andy:Ok, when's the shunning thing gonna end?
Dwight:Un-shun. Never. Re-shun. I think he wants you all to come out to the parking lot and watch him die!
Stanley:Is it nice outside?
Dwight:It's gorgeous. Let's go!
Stanley:Do I need my jacket?
Dwight:No really, it's, it's very nice. Come on!
Ryan:Will I be too warm in a long sleeve T?
Dwight:Everybody's gonna be fine in exactly what they're wearing, let's go! Let's go!