Michael's Birthday

Office Staff:[singing] Happy birthday dear Michael, [Michael joins in, Kevin's phone rings] Happy birthday... [everyone but Dwight stops] ...tooo youuuu.
Kevin:Hello? Hey.
Michael:Kevin? Respect the birthday please.
Kevin:No, um, no not yet. I will. Bye. [hangs up] It was just Stacy.
Michael:Are you done? ...Good. Okay.
Dwight:Here we go. Make a wish.
Michael:Uhhh... blow out the candle. Okay. Mmmm... [blows out the candles]
Dwight:Yaoo yay! [claps]
Michael:... I asked for trick candles.
Dwight:Pam was supposed to get 'em.
Michael:Okay. Well, when she comes back we'll do it again. [notices Meredith hugging Kevin] Hello, what about the birthday boy? Haven't had a hug all day.
Angela:No one cares about your birthday. Kevin's waiting to hear if he has skin cancer.
Michael:... Aww, that... sucks, great. ... Wow, that's good timing. That's... that's, sorry, that's terrible. Terrible news. That's terrible... terrible news for both of us [takes cake into office and slams the door].