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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Target


Season 9, Episode 8, 15:41-16:47

Meme It!
Erin:Okay, the client is Heymont Brake and Tire. They're family-owned, but don't let that take away from your edge!
Nellie Bertram:Come on, Pam, I know you can fail. I see failure in you.
Creed:Remember, you're a scumbag, so you think scummy thoughts. Like this.
Pam:[into phone] Hello, this is Pam Halpert. I'm calling from Dunder-Mifflin. Yes, your paper provider. And I just called to say... your mama is so fat, when she wears red, people yell, Hey, kool-aid. Yeah, your mama's fat. This is Pam Halpert.
Pete:Did she buy it?
Pam:Basically I couldn't tell, but I think...
Nellie Bertram:Were they angry?
Pam:I-- I thought they were confused at least...
Nellie Bertram:Okay.
Erin:Dunder Mifflin. This is Erin. Yes, you can. Okay. I will make sure that goes on file. [hangs up] Ladies and gentlemen, we just lost a client!
Kevin:Nice. Nice.
Creed:You did good. You did good.
Pete:See ya later, Heymont.
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