Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Roy's Wedding


Season 9, Episode 2, 0:13-0:50

Meme It!
Kevin:[viewing the chore wheel for the first time] Oh, yeah! Can I spin first?
Pam:Well, it doesn't spin. Well just move the wheel one notch each morning and you see what chore you get that day.
Kevin:A wheel is supposed to spin.
Erin:Yeah, you know, like [motions arm in circles] guh, guh, guh, guh, guh, guh, guh guh.
Pam:No, I'm familiar with spinning. It's just that wouldn't work with a chore wheel because people might get the same chore-
Andy:[interrupting] Bugh, boring. All she talks about is chores.
Creed:A wheel wants to spin, Pam.
Jim:[reluctantly] Spinning would be more fun.
Pam:[frustrated] Kay.
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