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Season 8, Episode 3, 4:32-5:50

Meme It!
Andy:Are you kidding me?! Guys if I have to ask you to get back to work one more time, I'm gonna change my tone. [lowers voice] To down here like Mr. T. and this will get seriously annoying. I feel sympathy for the jerks who have to listen to this all day. [normal voice] Darryl, how we doin' on the new warehouse guys?
Darryl:I don't know.
Andy:What d-? What..what? Wuh, do we have new guys, or what?
Andy:Are they on their way over?
Darryl:I haven't hired anyone.
Phyllis:What? No warehouse guys? I have an important order that has to go out by five. I emailed you about it.
Darryl:I'm not checkin' email till lunch. Four hour work week.
Andy:This is kinda time sensitive.
Darryl:I got it. I'm doin' it.
Phyllis:Andy, this is a seriously big order. I can't lose this client.
Andy:Alright, well until we have a new crew, let's get some volunteers for warehouse duty. Who's in? [Erin raises hand]
Erin:As long as you guys don't need me up here.
Phyllis:No..we don't
Dwight:I think we'll be fine. [group murmurs in agreement]
Oscar:Really, nobody's gonna help her? Is chivalry dead?
Andy:Are you volunteering?
Oscar:Of course. I would. But my hip....I would kill to be at a hundred percent. [Angela rolls eyes]
Andy:Jim! How 'bout you?
Jim:Uh, yeah. I mean, as the strongest person in this office, I guess I should go down with you...
Dwight:Hey...OK no. No. That. You are so not...oh god. [grunts] False. Andy, I will volunteer.
Andy:Great. And Kevin.
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