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After Hours


Season 8, Episode 16, 14:28-15:07

Meme It!
Jim:I don't know, Dwight, I think maybe you should check again.
Dwight:Nope, I wasn't bitten.
Jim:Well, maybe it isn't warm enough in here.
Dwight:Oh, it's plenty warm, and I was farting continuously under the sheet, creating a kind of greenhouse effect.
Jim:Come on.
Dwight:If there were any in here, They would've imbedded themselves in me.
Jim:You know what? Maybe they just ate.
Dwight:No, you're good. Clean bill of health! Besides I gotta get back downstairs. I left Packer alone with Nellie for way too long.
Jim:Okay, they're fine. They're adults.
Dwight:No, that's the problem. Packer is trying to bed Nellie for the VP job unless I do it first.
Jim:Is that really how you want to get this job?
Dwight:Such a chorus girl.
Jim:Okay, Dwight Dwight Dwight, Dwight Dwight! uh
Cathy:[in a bathrobe] Is crazy gone?
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