Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office



Season 8, Episode 11, 9:57-10:52

Meme It!
Host:All right, first question everyone: Ray Charles famously had this state on his mind. What is its capital?
Andy:Oh, we got this!
Creed:Let's reverse engineer this. You're a black singer. Where do you go? Somewhere where you're a novelty. Alaska?
Phyllis:Oh I know you think that, because that's where the Olympics were held.
Cathy:My cousins were actually at those Olympics.
Stanley:Keep talking all you want.
Kevin:How am I supposed to know what was on his mind? Ooh, what do blind people think about?
Erin:Okay, dogs, canes, signs, manholes, stairs, piano, darkness.
Host:Okay, time's up. Let's get the boards up. 'Atlanta, Georgia' is the correct answer. [Kevin holds up What is...SEE-attle]
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