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The Promotion


Season 6, Episode 3, 10:58-15:17

Meme It!
Jim:You know, the more I think about it, the more I think we should give it to the salesmen.
Michael:That will not go over well.
Jim:I know. I just think it seems smart to keep the salesmen happy right now. 'Course I know that this might come off as biased, so you know what? Let us...
Michael:Oh, my God! Are you gonna make another pro and con list? I'm gonna kill myself.
Jim:I'm not gonna let you stop me from thinking.
Michael:No! I could not do that, Jim. I can see it in your crusty little eyes that you are going to make everything perfect. If I can just think this through, if I could just think it exactly right, I can make this perfect, and then I can go down every avenue, and every avenue off of that avenue, and then another avenue.
Michael:And then another--
Jim:Look, you have a lot of strengths.
Michael:Oh, I do?! Tell me what they are.
Jim:I think that you are able to take constructive criticism very well.
Michael:Ha! That-- I am not known for that!
Jim:But there is a reason why I'm here!
Michael:Yes! You went over my head to Wallace!
Jim:No, it's because you also have a lot of weaknesses, Michael!
Michael:Okay. Well, why don't you tell me what those are, Jim? Why don't you enliven me?
Jim:I don't think you're good at making tough decisions!
Jim:At thinking out the options, and then stating that decision very clearly, especially when it's an unpopular decision.
Michael:Okay, here's a tough decision for you. You suck! You suck! Is that clear enough for you?!
Jim:But maybe I'm here for a reason, because I might have some good ideas, too. I've been sitting out there, and I've been learning a lot, and maybe I can just bring something different to the table.
Michael:Okay, Skippy, here we go. Why don't you run yourself out there and tell them? [laughs] You call it.
Michael:[to the camera] This had better be terrible.
Jim:Could I have everyone's attention, please? I have some tough news, so I'm just gonna give it to you straight. Truth is, we only have so much money for raises this year, so the simple fact is some people will get raises, and some people won't. Now, what we've decided is, we are gonna give those raises to the sales staff.
Meredith:Wait. Seriously?!
Jim:Look, you guys are smart, so I'm just leveling with you. I'm just trying to treat you like adults.
Oscar:Thank you, Jim, for thinking that we're smart people.
Angela:But, I do not understand. If we're such smart adults, then why don't we get raises?
Oscar:Excellent question, genius. It's because Jim wants to give the raises to his friends and the people he sleeps with.
Jim:Ooh, easy. That's not it at all.
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