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The Meeting


Season 6, Episode 2, 18:10-18:37

Meme It!
Michael:Hey, hey Jim, it would make me feel really good right now if you would just punch me in the face. Alright, Just do it.
Jim:How many times have I asked you to put me up for a branch manager job.
Michael:I never recommended you because I didn't want to lose you and I didn't want to lose Pam, [starts to choke up] and now I don't wanna lose the baby.
Jim:So instead, you screwed me?
Michael:That's what she...
Erin:David Wallace is calling.
Michael:Kind of in the middle of something here.
Erin:Should I tell him you'll call him back?
Michael:I, yeah... no, I'll tell him myself. Let's both.
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