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The Banker


Season 6, Episode 14, 3:36-4:37

Meme It!
Eric:So, um, the manager, Michael Scott... is a bit of a character.
Dwight:He has more character in a single flake of his dandruff then you have in that entire snow bank on your shoulder. Wait, what was the question?
Toby:What are, are you doing at my desk?
Dwight:Ignore him. He's the local lunatic.
Toby:Come on, Dwight. Get out of here.
Dwight:Dwight? Who is this Dwight? Oh! You mean Dwight Schrute, the company's top salesman and the creator of Computron. I wear many hats but the one I'm currently wearing is that of gracious host. [laughs] Welcome. [Dwight exits]
Toby:Sorry. Hey, Toby Flenderson. Nice to meet you. How can I help?
Eric:Um, are there any outstanding liability issues to be aware of?
Toby:What do you mean?
Eric:Well, safety issues, injuries that could leave the company open to potential lawsuits.
Toby:Um... nothing comes to mind. [clip montage]
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