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Business Trip


Season 5, Episode 7, 6:18-7:20

Meme It!
Michael:[going up escalator in the hotel] This is nice. This is nice. Move in here. Very sweet... ah.
Oscar:I'll check us in.
Andy:Very cool.
Michael:Very cool.
Andy:We are going to find out where the action is, my friend.
Andy:Where's the concierge?
Michael:Yes! Wallace said there would be one of those.
Andy:Mmm... bingo! [indicates towards concierge desk] Follow moi, bro-sieur.
Andy:[to concierge] What about a nice sushi place? Maybe a place with a view?
Concierge Marie:Tsk... Oh. Matsuki. That's a good one. Uh, you may walk there if you wish or you man take the number seventeen bus until 9:00. Other than that you can take the taxi and the number is right there.
Michael:Wow! Wow, I am blown away by this. I, um... I--ah! This is great, thank you!
Andy:One final question. Where might you find yourself on a Winnipeg night like tonight?
Concierge Marie:Oh, the Huntsman is good.
Andy:[nodding towards Michael] The Huntsman.
Concierge Marie:Down here... the financial district.
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