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Night Out


Season 4, Episode 11, 13:19-13:55

Meme It!
Ryan:[to bouncer] Check again, Ryan Howard.
Dwight:[to tall woman in front of him, tapping her shoulder] Excuse me.
Tall Girl #1:Yeah?
Dwight:[referring to girls in front of him] How did you all find each other?
Tall Girl #1:Uh, we're the Jersey State Varsity Basketball team. Northeast Regional Champs.
All Girls:Wooo!
Ryan:[to Dwight, Michael and Troy] It's off. It's not the dude I know. It's some other loser who won't let us in without chicks.
Michael:You're kidding.
Ryan:Let's bail. [starts to leave]
Dwight:Ok, wai, wai, wai, wait, wait. [turns Ryan around annd points to basketball players] You two, Jersey State girls, let's go.
Tall Girl #2:We're not going unless we can all go.
Dwight:OK. You know what, fine. Let's go, two girls to a guy. Come on, let's do it. C'mon, Ryan. Move out. OK, three or four with him [referring to Troy]. Let's go, c'mon. Here we go.
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