Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office



Season 2, Episode 5, 3:36-4:11

Meme It!
Dwight:[eyeing Jim's costume] What is that?! What are you supposed to be?
Jim:I'm a three hole punch version of Jim. 'Cause you can have me either way. Plain White Jim, or Three-hole Punch.
Phyllis:That's great!
Jim:Oh, yeah.
Dwight:Yeah, well look... [pulls his hood over his head and pops up his light saber] What about me?
Phyllis:What are you? A monk?
Dwight:I am a Sith Lord. [looks at Jim] Oh big deal. Three round pieces of paper taped to a shirt. This cost me 129 dollars.
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