Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Boys and Girls


Season 2, Episode 15, 2:55-3:58

Meme It!
Michael:Let's just clap. Ready? [clapping] Yeah! Yeah!
Michael:That's what I'm talking about!
Jan:I don't know what you're doing here, Michael,
Michael:Just having a little 'guys in the workplace' thing.
Jan:... but it's very destructive.
Michael:Why can't boys play with dolls? Why does society force us to use urinals when sitting down is far more comfortable?
Jan:Can you please do this somewhere else, Michael?
Michael:We have nowhere else Jan. This...
Dwight:We could do it in the warehouse.
Jan:Dwight, excellent idea. Go to the warehouse.
Michael:OK, OK, Fine. Yeah, actually, perfect. Perfect. You know what? There's another side to this place, gentleman. And I know we all love our cushy jobs and our fun, exciting office. But do you realize that underneath us, there's another world. The warehouse world. A world that is teeming with sweat and dirt and life. Life. The bowels of the office. These guys are down there, they are real men doing real man's work. We are going to learn how a warehouse works.
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