Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Health Care


Season 1, Episode 3, 5:30-6:32

Meme It!
Pam:Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.
Michael:[on phone] Pam, Michael Scott. How's tricks?
Pam:Where are you?
Michael:Oh, I am in my office. I am swamped. I have work up to my ears I'm busy, busy, busy. Can't step away. I just wanted to check in and see how everybody's doing. Everybody cool out there?
Pam:Actually, people are really unhappy. Um, Dwight sent around this memo and people are freaking out 'cause the...
Michael:Pam! Whoa, whoa, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I, I, I gotta go. I'm getting a call.
Pam:No you're not.
Michael:I have to make a call after I finish... my work. You know what? Uh, just don't let anybody in my office under any conditions today. I'm just too busy. Too swamped, you know? I am unreachable. I am incommunicado, capisce?
Michael:Thank you, Oh, gah, here we go again. Gotta go, I have to take this.
Pam:Still no one calling.
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