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Dwight Christmas


Season 9, Episode 9, 18:41-19:24

Meme It!
Pam:Dwight, want me to get you some eggnog?
Dwight:No, thanks. I'll just have another dumatril. Jim taught me this really cool way to take it. You crush it into a powder, and you snort it up your butt.
Jim:[Walks back into The Office] Yep, I did say that.
Jim:What's going on? Where's the belsnickel?
Pam:Oh--Oh my god!
Jim:What are you doing? Last time I saw you, you were whipping me out of the building.
Dwight:[Holds his finger to Jim's lips] Shh. Let's not speak of that. The Pig Rib! We could totally break the pig rib! I'm gonna dig it out of the trash! [High fives Jim]
Pam:What happened? Did you miss your bus?
Jim:No. I just missed my wife.[Gives Pam a hug and a kiss]
Dwight:[Comes back in, holding up the pig rib] I found it!
Jim:And I found out that there's a bus at 5:00 a.m.
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