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Dwight Christmas


Season 9, Episode 9, 13:43-14:38

Meme It!
Jim:Oh, you know what? I gotta go.
Dwight:Stop giggling.
Pam:Oh, really? Already?
Jim:Yeah, it's all right.
Dwight:It's a punishment. [Turns to Jim] Hey, where are you going?
Jim:I have to go to philly. But this was amazing. Okay.
Dwight:But you work tomorrow.
Jim:Yeah, I know, I'd just like to settle in and get a good night's sleep.
Dwight:But we were gonna break the pig rib.
Jim:That's right.
Dwight:No matter! Belsnickel cares not about this--off with you!
Jim:Perfect. Merry Christmas, everybody.
Dwight:Wait, wait, wait, wait! Don't you want to know your present?
Jim:You know what? Yeah. Have at it.
Dwight:Jim Halpert. Cheer or fear? Belsnickel is here! [Jim holds his hands like a bowl] I judge your year as impish. [Hits Jim with stick]
Jim:Ooh! Are you nuts?
Dwight:[Hits Jim three more times] I judge you impish!
Jim:Ow! Ow! Okay, that is three, and you didn't hit anybody that hard.
Dwight:They're not abandoning the party. [Hit's Jim again]
Jim:[As he's walking out] That's enough, I'm done! Okay? Agh!
Dwight:[Hits Jim some more] Impish! [Chases Jim out]
Jim:Aah! Ow!
Meredith:Belsnickel, I gotta run out early too. [Leans up against the wall as Dwight comes back in]
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