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Dwight Christmas


Season 9, Episode 9, 12:08-13:23

Meme It!
Dwight:Take a bowl and pass it down.
Phyllis:Thank you, Dwight. These are nice.
Dwight:No, these are gift bowls. When you recieve a gift, it will go in the bowl, but the bowls must be returned at the end. They're a set. Now, hold your bowls forward. The belsnickel will decide if you are impish or admirable.
Jim:Oh, it's like naughty or nice.
Dwight:No, impish or admirable.
Jim:Quick question--Do you just decide who gets what in the moment, or did you make a list?
Dwight:I decided earlier.
Jim:Oh, nice. Did you check that list?
Dwight:Of course I checked it.
Jim:But more than once? 'cause you could have made a mistake.
Dwight:I checked it more than once.
Jim:Okay, so you made a list, you checked it twice, and now you're gonna find out who's--
Dwight:Impish or admirable.
Dwight:Phyllis Vance! Cheer or fear? Belsnickel is here! I judge your year as...admirable. [Jim claps] There you are.
Phyllis:[Takes here gift out of her bowl] Oh. What are these?
Dwight:It's a set of rubber gaskets for canning jars.
Phyllis:I'd rather have the bowl.
Dwight:You can't have the bowl! Oscar Martinez, cheer or fear? Belsnickel is here! I judge your year [looks over at Angela, then back to Oscar]...as impish! [Smacks Oscar with a stick]
Oscar:Ow! You hit people with that thing?
Dwight:No, I'm carrying around the stick in order to look cool. For the kinder [puts a mouse trap in Pam's bowl]
Pam:[Holds the mouse trap up] Mouse trap.
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