Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Target


Season 9, Episode 8, 19:13-19:56

Meme It!
Jim:Well, we're here. Perfect. [covers sleeping Phyllis with his jacket]
Phyllis:We're gonna cover for you, ya know.
Jim:Phyllis, what was that?Phyllis are you dreaming, or--
Stanley:[laughing] I did enjoy grinding your beans, son.
Phyllis:[laughing] Yeah, we really did peel your grapes.
Jim:This is hilarious, but we're gonna stop with all--
Stanley:Shuckin your peas.
Jim:Shuckin the peas. You should go back to the first part, though. You are gonna cover for me?
Phyllis:Of course we are, Jimmy. We love you guys.
Jim:Oh, my God, thank you. [hugging both] Thank you.
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