Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Target


Season 9, Episode 8, 14:08-14:32

Meme It!
Jim:Listen, I was really wondering if maybe we could lock this down before lunch is over.
Stanley:Don't be pushy Jim. It's tacky.
Jim:All right. Phyllis! Phyllis, that's-- that's decorative.
Phyllis:No, there's wine in here.
Jim:Still decorative.
Stanley:Is it white wine?
Phyllis:[to customer] Can you help me?
Jim:Don't-- don't-- don't pole people with knives.
Phyllis:[groaning while trying to open giant wine bottle] ha ha!
Jim:Phyllis! Wow.
Stanley:Ooh, bring it over.
Phyllis:Got it.
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