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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Target


Season 9, Episode 8, 10:29-11:13

Meme It!
Kevin:Okay, I got this one.
Nellie Bertram:Oh, be careful! Be careful! Be careful
Kevin:No, I got it. Easy does it, everyone. Nobody even take a breath.
Everyone:[shouting as tower collapses] Oh no! Kevin!
Nellie Bertram:What did I just say? What did I just say?
Pete:Hey, hey, hey, it's just a mistake. Just a mistake. That's what this tower's all about -- mistakes. Okay, if you're afraid of screwing up, the tower's not for you. Show of hands --- who here has never had a complaint? That's right. Nobody. See that? Nobody. Okay? Let's get back to work, huh? Come on, you in?
Pete:There we go. All right, let's do it.
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