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The Target


Season 9, Episode 8, 5:44-6:39

Meme It!
Angela:Ow! Dwight! Ow!
Dwight:Get in the van.
Trevor:Is it safe to talk?
Dwight:Well, this documentary crew has been following our every move for the past nine years, but I don't see them so I think we're good.
Angela:So what are your credentials?
Trevor:I started following people around to get exercise. Turns out, I'm damn good at it.
Angela:Do you have a gun?
Dwight:[snickers] Does he own a gun? Show her.
Trevor:You tell me.
Angela:What is this?
Trevor:It's the receipt for my gun.
Angela:You don't carry it with you?
Trevor:Read the receipt. That's a $300 gun. Someone could steal it.
Dwight:Do you have any idea how many guns Trevor's had stolen from him?
Trevor:Now I keep it in a safe.
Dwight:Mm-hmm. Good safe?
Trevor:Oh, you tell me. [shows Dwight receipt]
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