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The Boat


Season 9, Episode 6, 3:17-4:29

Meme It!
Andy:Alright, guys. A lot of assets here that my dad couldn't steal. Now, first of all, there is the family boat. 43 foot Tartan Sloop. My lawyer has lined up a buyer in the Bahamas, the sale would cover the cost of a condo and living expenses for my mom.
Darryl:Sounds great.
Andy:Totally, except it is a no go. This boat was the heart and soul of the family. So...what else we got? Non-boat ideas. [Oscar looks outside conference room at Kevin and Angela at the copier]
Kevin:What happened?
Angela:Jammed. This day couldn't get worse. [Kevin laughs]
Kevin:Yeah, I think this day could get worse.
Angela:What does that mean?
Kevin:[to Angela] I don't know what you're talking about. [Thumbs up Oscar]
Erin:She could get like sixty packages of Ramen noodles for five bucks. She could eat for a month.
Andy:Alright, what's the grand total? Did we make our nut?
Darryl:If we sell everything but the boat, your mom should be set for about six months.
Andy:Guys, you don't understand, this boat's been in our family since before I was born.
Erin:Don't you guys have that place where you used to spend your summers and have all those memories?
Darryl:I worked at a Jiffy Lube.
Erin:See? I bet you wouldn't sell that Jiffy Lube for all the money in the world. Would you Darryl?
Darryl:I would if I owned it and I went broke.
Andy:Alright, uh...alright. I'm gonna tell the lawyer to pull the trigger on the boat.
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