Work Bus
Jim:[reading from computer] Side effects of EMF include: headaches...
Dwight:Had 'em all my life.
Jim:..breast pain...
Dwight:No nobbies, no probbies. Nice try Jim.
Jim:Oof. Infertility.
Dwight:[scoffs] Yeah right. [Dwight moves mouse pad over his crotch]
Jim:Ah! There's my popcorn. Can you just grab that for me?
Dwight:Psh. Keep your snacks on your side, Jim. Idiot. [notices popped kernels in the bag] What the?
Dwight:Some of these kernels have crowned.
Jim:That's impossible, cause that's a brand new bag...[looks up to ceiling where there is a red tape X over Dwight's chair] Oh my god.
Dwight:Andy! [Jim mimes basketball shot]