Jim:With our firm, you'll be building equity for long after they've retired your number.
Darryl:And we all know, baseball does not last forever.
Ryan Howard:I look at these actors on TV and I think: C'mon, I can do that.
Jim:Right? [laughs]
Ryan Howard:Watch this: Eat Fresh. Now what does that make you think of?
Darryl:Subway sandwiches.
Ryan Howard:How? I didn't say Subway sandwiches. It's called playing the subtext.
Ryan Howard:I actually wrote a screenplay, it's called The Big Piece
Jim:Based on his nickname. Like it already. Let me guess, it's autobiographical.
Ryan Howard:Half biopic and half superhero movie. A mild mannered professional baseball player, Ryan Howard-
Ryan Howard:-hits a home run into outer space. Ball comes back with space dust on it, which transforms him into: The Big Piece.
Darryl:The space dust does it.
Jim:Space dust.
Ryan Howard:I actually brought a- some copies of my script if you guys wanna read it together.
Jim:Sure, yeah. [laughs] Hollywood. [Ryan Howard pulls out 3 thick scripts] Alright.
Darryl:Wow. Yeah, we gonna read it.
Jim:Ok, great.