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Moving On, Pt. 2


Season 9, Episode 17, 15:02-17:34

Meme It!
Andy:Thank you all for coming in. Just wanted to check in. How is everyone's day?
Gabe:Honestly, it was a little weird.
Andy:Really? Hmm. That's interesting. Because Erin and Pete thought it wouldn't be weird at all. Why do you think it was weird, Gabe? Maybe because you and Erin used to be an item?
Gabe:I still wear Erin's button-downs around the condo sometimes. So it feels to me like we're still in a relationship-
Gabe:...a lot of the time.
Andy:And Alice, uh, I understand you once dumped Pete, ouch.
Pete:Dude, it was an amicable break up Andy.
Alice:Ok, while we're rewriting history, you never had a drinking problem.
Pete:It was college. That is what you do.
Alice:Yeah you're also supposed to go to classes, so there's that.
Erin:Hey, Andy, is this at all work related?
Andy:We'll get to that. Gabe, did Erin ever tell you that she loves you?
Gabe:[laughs] Oh no no no no no no. She wouldn't even let me say it. It was adorable. She would plug her ears and scream her heat out.
Erin:Gabe, can you stop talking? Cause every word out of your mouth is like the squawk of an ugly pelican.
Gabe:I got a tattoo for you.
Erin:I didn't ask you to get that Nike Swoosh. Nobody did! You did that for you!
Gabe:Just do it. You were the it that I was just doing.
Alice:So you're dating a secretary now? Moving up in the world, Pete.
Pete:She's nice to me.
Alice:How's that P.E. degree coming? That's what he wanted to be. His dream in college was to be a gym teacher.
Erin:Well, guess what? He could still be a gym teacher. In fact, we could all still be gym teachers, so, let's-
Gabe:I technically cannot. I don't have the lung capacity to blow a whistle.
Pete:Oh my god.
Gabe:What kind of music are you into, Peter?
Pete:Uh, I like all kinds of music, Gabe.
Gabe:Really? All kinds? So you like songs of hate written by the white knights of the Ku Klux Klan?
Gabe:Erin, are you even hearing this?
Erin:He didn't even say that.
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