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Suit Warehouse


Season 9, Episode 11, 16:14-17:16

Meme It!
Pam:They're the ones who put a fish tank next to a basketball hoop. It's like if I put a glass of milk on the edge of the table and Cece knocks it over, I don't blame Cece.
Darryl:So I'm like a three year old girl in this scenario
Pam:Say they don't hire you. It's not like you're out on the street. You have a great job with people who love you.
Darryl:And Id only get to see Jada on the weekends. You know, I'm I'm not so sure Id like living in Philadelphia.
Pam:Right? Thank you! It's just Philly. Everyone's acting like it's New York or Paris or London.
Darryl:Who needs it?
Pam:Not us.
Jim:[enters] Okay, so the consensus was that that was unique. They're going to make you pay for the fish, and they wanted to know when you can start.
Darryl:What? [Jim shrugs] How about yesterday?
Darryl:Oh, thank you.
Pam:I guess you gotta move to Philly after all.
Darryl:Yes, I love Philly! Two-One-Five or die!
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