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Suit Warehouse


Season 9, Episode 11, 12:36-14:07

Meme It!
Athlead Employee:...So definitely looking to expand our market, but for now we're just concentrating on athletes that are popular here in the northeast. Of course, that's not a mandate.
Darryl:Mandate- Always think of two men on a date. [awkward moment] I have gay friends I have one gay friend. [to Jim] Oscar?
Athlead Employee:Alright, so what makes you think youd be a good fit here?
Darryl:[freezes] Ummm [a moment later] Alright. Obviously yall look really busy, and uh, I don't want to waste your time anymore. Sorry, I just uhh Obviously I'm not qualified to be here man, I'm I'm a warehouse manager, you know
Athlead Employee:Darryl, I was a newspaper editor.
Female Athlead Employee:Science teacher, volleyball coach.
3rd Athlead Employee:I work at a home shopping network.
4th Athlead Employee:I'm a laywer. I'm the only one here who can honestly help. [group chuckles]
Jim:And as you know, I was a paper salesman. [whispers to Darryl] Hey, I find it helps if you just picture everybody naked. [group overhears and chuckles]
Darryl:Cool. Hey, thanks
Athlead Employee:So how about we start over, hmm? Darryl, do you have any thoughts on the company?
Darryl:Yes, as a matter of fact, I uh [pulls booklets from his bag] I wrote some down. There you go. [passes out booklets] Wow, this guy came prepared, it impresses me! [group laughs]
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