Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Suit Warehouse


Season 9, Episode 11, 7:44-8:30

Meme It!
Athlead Employee:[in the background] Yes maam, you want to go east on Franklin, take that all the way to Commonweath. Youll see us on the right side, you can't miss us.
Dennis:And I want to reach every demographic possible.
Jim:No, I hear what you're saying, and we will. The thing is, we gotta lock down this key demographic first. The rest will come, I promise. Just give me a couple weeks, alright?
Dennis:We're talking weeks here, not months, right?
Jim:Weeks. Always weeks. Man, the last time I talked months was like, a million weeks ago.
Dennis:Alright. Good.
Jim:Thanks Dennis, I appreciate it. [To Pam] Hey! How are you?
Jim:What are you doing here?
Pam:I just wanted to see you!
Jim:That's so great!
Darryl:Damn! Jim, you got a real Facebook energy going on here man. You Zuckerberged this place out!
Jim:It's pretty great, right? I mean, we're coming along [to coworker] Hey, Wade, we gotta just push up Dennis's timeline
Jim:[back to Pam] Actually, you know what? Give me one second, okay? Make yourselves at home.
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