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Suit Warehouse


Season 9, Episode 11, 6:00-6:44

Meme It!
Suit Store Father:[chuckling] It's kind of funny, a father and son sales team meeting with a father and son suit store.
Dwight:You know, you're right! We hadn't even thought of that, had we boy? [to Clark]
Clark:No, we sure hadn't Pop. [both chuckling]
Dwight:[Takes picture from desk] Oh! You're a hunter I see. Spend your early mornings out in the blinds, like Clarky and me. Huh? [grabs Clark's shoulder]
Clark:He calls me Clarky cause he's my Dad.
Suit Store Father:You don't meet many hunters these days.
Clark:My dad is the best hunter there is. I mean, he's like a serial killer of animals. One time, he snuck up behind a sleeping deer and just sawed its head right of. It was sick! [Dwight imitates sawing and blood spurting out of his neck, then makes a dying noise]
Dwight:It was his birthday, just turned three. So
Suit Store Father:Ahh
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