Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Pam's Replacement


Season 8, Episode 7, 10:26-11:22

Meme It!
Robert:[to the keyboardist, Curtis, and the drummer] Hey, you found us!
Curtis:You guys sound great, man.
Robert:Darryl, Andy, Kevin, this is Curtis Dorough, local musician and the officiate at my wedding.
Darryl:Local musician? Local legend! I used to come hear you play every week at the Deerhead.
Kevin:[to drummer] Dude, you're on TV! You're the sportscaster on channel seven.
Drummer:Go Eagles! [laughs]
Kevin:You do that on TV!
Robert:You guys mind if they join us?
Andy:Yeah, absolutely!
Kevin:Guys, I've got some instruments right here. [holds up tambourine and giro]
Darryl:Hey, why don't you and me play those?
Kevin:Yeah? Okay, this is awesome.
Robert:What should we play?
Kevin:Maybe we should warm up with some scales?
Robert:Midnight Rambler?
Andy:Midnight what?
Curtis:[singing] Have you heard about the midnight rambler? [Lisa, the guitarist, enters] Hey, come on in, baby. Yeah!
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