
Andy:Surprise! Your new crew.
Darryl:Would you just fire me, man?
Andy:Why? Because you didn't win the lottery? How am I supposed to make you happy?
Darryl:You wanna make me happy? Huh?
Darryl:Give me your job.
Andy:Haha, what?
Darryl:I'll do it better than you. I earned it. I deserve it. I got passed over, God knows why, reasons I cannot and will not understand. The job was mine Andy, everyone said it was mine. Make me manager or fire me.
Andy:I'm not gonna give you my job! It's my job! I earned it! And here's the thing, you weren't even next in line. I asked about you, I saw your file. You have a history of being short with people and you hired Glenn, your buddy! To replace you in the warehouse. He was under qualified. They saw that.
Nate:Also, Darryl, FYI, I already told this to Andy, but uh, you should probably know I technically don't have a hearing problem, it's just when there's a lot of noises...
Andy:Nate! Please....thank you. You have no business education, you were gonna take classes under D'Angelo, what happened to that?
Darryl:He died.
Andy:He didn't die, his brain died. And my brain is still very much alive and I'd be happy to give you business classes. How come you haven't asked me about it?
Nate:What wa-, what was the last...I'm havin' a-
Andy:None, no part of this has anything to do with you.
Darryl:I didn't have time because of my daughter.
Andy:Oh, but you had time for a softball clinic, and a Mediterranean cooking class.
Darryl:Hey I'm not gonna tell you this stuff if you gonna throw it back in my face.
Andy:Hey. Here's the thing. Jo saw something in you. She loved you! She gave you a shot and then you stopped pushing. She noticed. [long pause]
Andy:OK what?
Darryl:OK, don't fire me.
Andy:Ah, OK.