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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Last Day in Florida


Season 8, Episode 18, 10:28-11:16

Meme It!
Erin:Can you help me? I'm trying to make a video chat with Andy.
Irene:Just open the program and type in his user name.
Erin:Can you just do it?
Irene:[after briefly typing] Here, type in your password.
Irene:That's a terrible password. And you don't 'make a video chat', you video chat.
Erin:[annoyed] All right.
Andy:[video chat begins, Andy's head enters the screen from the side] Hello?
Erin:That's so weird. There's something wrong with my laptop. [turns laptop on its side] Oh. I fixed it.
Andy:Oh, now mine's broken. Hang on. [turns his laptop on its side while lying on desk] Oh, there we go.
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