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Season 7, Episode 2, 18:31-20:00

Meme It!
Jim:Is that what you were here for? A crystal wizard? I like it.
Dwight:It is a pewter wizard holding a crystal.
Jim:Wait a second. You know you can't buy that now, right? And I can come back and get it for you later. But I'm saying right now, we can't do that.
Dwight:Because I'm here for one thing. Revenge.
Jim:That's it.
Salesman:Let me know if I can help you with anything.
Dwight:Excuse me sir.
Dwight:I was here yesterday, and you refused to wait on me.
Salesman:I remember, yes. I'm terribly sorry about that.
Dwight:You work on commission, don't you?
Jim:Stop, stop, stop.
Salesman:No, we don't.
Jim:Did you just say you remember him?
Salesman:Of course, but he looks much less threatening now.
Jim:What does that mean?
Salesman:We had a safety concern. Um... we very politely indicated that he'd be welcome back...
Dwight:Good Morning!
Salesman:If he were in accordance with our dress policy.
Salesman:But the blood stained hands...
Dwight:It was beet juice! I am a beet farmer idi...
Salesman:I'm very sorry.
Dwight:Good sir. I happen to have been working a very long day. When I came to you fine establishment. You are such a... I'm gonna... Ok. Listen. You can't treat... Thank you! Good morning sir!
Jim:Lets just go.
Dwight:You made a big mistake. Huge!
Jim:There it is. Alright.
Jim:That's pretty good.
Andy:After you.
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