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Season 7, Episode 2, 13:27-14:13

Meme It!
Toby:We can play something more complicated if you like.
Michael:This is plenty complicated.
Toby:So you have played it before?
Michael:I've played it once or twice with Jeff.
Toby:Who's Jeff?
Michael:Jeff was my mother's boyfriend, who she married.
Toby:So, her husband, your stepdad?
Michael:Yeah, Yeah. I guess I never thought about it that way, though.
Toby:Did you guys do much stuff together?
Michael:Yeah. You know what? He took me to a baseball game once, I remember. It was weird though. They took the pitcher out of the game. I felt really bad, because the pitcher wasn't able to play with his friends anymore. But Jeff said that the manager was making a really good move, by taking the pitcher out. He really respected the manager.
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