Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Search


Season 7, Episode 15, 5:52-6:39

Meme It!
Pam:This is Pam.
Jim:Hey it's me. So uh, don't worry. Everything's ok.
Pam:What's wrong?
Jim:Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You're not holding a cup of coffee or anything are you?
Pam:Jim, what?
Jim:Uh, so, Cece had a little bit of a fever. And your mom also locked her in the car.
Pam:Oh God! What?!
Jim:No no no it's ok. So, Cece is with daddy now. She's laughing and she's happy. And we are on our way to see Dr. Barbra.
Pam:Ok. She's ok?
Jim:Yes, and your mom got a very well deserved day off. So here's the thing though. I left Michael at the gas station on Benet.
Jim:And his wallet and phone are on the seat next to me.
Pam:Got it. I will put out a A.P.B. Otherwise known as a 'Ask Pam Beasley'. ... Did the phone cut off?
Pam:Alright, just call me after the doctor.
Jim:Ok. Bye.
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