Michael:[examines items on the reception desk] Mmhmm, China. China.
Erin:How was the dentist?
Michael:It was great. China.
Pam:Are you okay, what's wrong?
Michael:Everything here was made in China, Pam.
Andy:Yeah, its where they make stuff.
Michael:They used to make stuff in America, Andy. But we're falling behind, did you know that? China is a sleeping dragon that is just beginning to stir.
Erin:Oh, no.
Michael:Yeah, right here. It is right there. [holds up magazine] Anybody read the news any more?
Dwight:China is on the move?
Michael:I found that in the waiting room at the dentist's office. This kid had the magazine I wanted to read, that's the only one I could reach and I read it and then I read it again.