Kevin:[answers phone] Hello.
Credit card rep:Hello Mr. Halpert. I'm calling from the identity theft department at Capital One. We've detected some unusual activity on your credit card.
Kevin:Oh man, do you think it was stolen?
Rep:First would you mind verifying your home address?
Kevin:Um, yes. [looks at Jim's pay stub] Um, 383 Linden Ave., Scranton PA
Rep:And may I have the last four numbers of your Social Security Number?
Rep:Well Mr. Halpert. You're obviously not in San Juan Puerto Rico.
Kevin:Wait a minute. Yes I am.
Rep:I'm going to go ahead and put a hold on your card.
Kevin:No. That... I, I think that we should let the criminal use the card a little longer.
Rep:Very funny sir. We'll get a new card out to you right away.
Rep:Have a nice day, and thank you!