Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Niagara, Pt. 2


Season 6, Episode 5, 14:32-14:54

Meme It!
Penny:[music starts playing and people start dancing down the isle] I begged them not to.
Penny:I know you specifically put this song on your Do Not Play list.
Pam:Yes I did.
Penny:I'm sorry.
Pam:[smiles] Go ahead. I think it's your turn.
Penny:Wait, what happened? You're okay with this?
Pam:Yeah, I'm okay.
Penny:Okay then! [takes flower girl to dance down the isle]
Michael:Hey Pam, did you see this? It was on You Tube.
Pam:Saw it.
Did we Schrute it? Let us know!