Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Niagara, Pt. 2


Season 6, Episode 5, 12:01-12:48

Meme It!
Michael:my weekend was bad so far.
Michael:I came here hoping to meet somebody. You know, as you do at weddings. End up going to sleep by the vending machine. It was loud, but it was warm.
Heleen:Oh that sounds awful.
Michael:And... and the love of my life is dating somebody else.
Michael:It is a terrible year for love.
Heleen:Yeah. Guess it is.
Michael:I'm thinking about having my sperm frozen.
Tom Halpert:Excuse me, are you Michael Scott?
Michael:Um, yeah.
Tom:Heard you might have a whoopee cushion on you.
Pete Halpert:Sisters in the can and we totally want to get her when she comes back.
Michael:Oh, wow. That sounds hilarious. I do actually. [pulls whoopee cushion out of pocket and hands it to them] There you go. Use it in good health.
Tom and Pete:[laughing] Yes!
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