Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

The Promotion


Season 6, Episode 3, 15:52-16:39

Meme It!
Jim:[to camera] It's going really well, actually.
Jim:[to camera, holds up a bean] Each Boston Baked Bean represents half a percent raise. We each got 24 beans, so the idea is, you place the bean on the picture [walking around the table] of who you think deserv-- who's that? [picture that Michael drew of toby, looks like a monster]
Jim:He's not a part of this. You know that.
Michael:Just wanted to draw a picture of him.
Jim:Okay, your move.
Michael:Alright! Who to pick? [walking around the table] Who to pick?
Jim:Here we go.
Michael:I... will skip a turn.
Jim:Okay, you're gonna still have to play that bean. You know that.
Michael:I need more time.
Erin:Wallace sent an e-mail about a meeting next week. He wants you both to respond. [Michael and Jim leave, Dwight sneaks in]
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