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The Promotion


Season 6, Episode 3, 7:07-8:41

Meme It!
Michael:It is one thing, me giving you the co-manager title. It is another thing, you bossing me around.
Jim:I'm not bossing you around. I'm trying to do my job, which is sharing your job, so maybe we should just call David Wallace.
Michael:No, no, no. No, we will not call David Wallace. [Michael pulls out his cell phone] I will call David Wallace.
Erin:David Wallace is on line two for you guys.
Michael:Or David Wallace will call us on line two. Why don't we just--
Jim:Hey, David. You got Jim here.
Michael:Hey David, this is Michael, senior co-manager.
David Wallace:Hey guys, um, I'm calling, because, unfortunately, we will not be able to give out cost of living raises this year, and I know people expect it. However, there just is only a small amount of money for each branch, so we're leaving it up to the managers to decide how to distribute it.
Michael:Got it, Dave. Sounds like your classice big-picture decision.
Jim:Which will clearly affect the day-to-day well-being of our employees.
David Wallace:It's probably a little of both.
Michael:Which is it more of?
David Wallace:Excuse me?
Jim:David, I know that I'm very new at this, but I have a very good perspective on how things work.
David Wallace:Wait, I'm sorry. Michael, are you-- are you texting me?
Michael:I thought maybe we could talk after this is over.
David Wallace:Look, I need you both to take care of this. This is not going to be a problem, is it?
Jim:Nope, not at all.
Michael:No, it will not be. I am on top of it.
David Wallace:Very good.
Jim:Alright, thanks alot, David.
Michael:Talk to you later-- [Jim hangs up] Okay, you didn't let me say good-bye. [sighs, and claps hands once] Alright, I am looking forward to this.
Jim:You don't have to lie.
Michael:I hate the fact that we have to do this together. I think we work better separately. When I am irritated and I look at you, I don't see you anymore.
Michael:All I can see is how big and gross the pores on your nose are.
Jim:Alright. Let's get started.
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