Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Manager and Salesman


Season 6, Episode 16, 5:48-6:41

Meme It!
Jo Bennett:Hey!
Jo Bennett:[to Angela, who's having a hard time deciding on a chair] Just choosing seats, not getting married. Chop, chop little onion!
Kevin:Jo, there's books in my chair.
Jo Bennett:That's right, darlin', now you're the proud new owner of a Sabre handbook and my autobiography. Now, you all must be in a tizzy. I can see it on your faces, I mean, what's going on now? I mean, who owns Dunder Mifflin? Right? I mean, Sabre? What's that? Some company I've never heard of? Down in Tallahassee? Where is that? Near Mars?
Michael:No, we know. Texas!
Jo Bennett:Now Dunder Mifflin has an arm's reach in all these small businesses all over the northeast. Now we're gonna take that arm, and we're gonna start selling printers.
Michael:I could manage my way around that.
Jo Bennett:They're the easiest-to-use printers on the market.
Michael:I will try to manage my excitement!
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