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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office



Season 6, Episode 15, 8:54-9:32

Meme It!
Michael:I don't want to appear ungrateful for everything Sabre's doing for us.
Gabe:Oh, I don't get that sense at all from you, so...
Michael:Well, you should have a little. But it's great that you don't, because I am trying to embrace all of these changes, but I'm - I'll be honest, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around a couple of 'em.
Gabe:Which ones?
Michael:All of them.
Gabe:Well, I wish that I could do something, but it's kind of policy, you know? Above my pay grade. You know?
Michael:So maybe we should call. We should call someone. I could help. I'm good with bosses. Call one of the higher-ups?
Gabe:You know what? Let me see what I can do.
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