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the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office



Season 6, Episode 15, 6:48-7:23

Meme It!
Gabe:At Sabre, we really encourage honest communication. You should always feel free to express your thoughts, your -
Meredith:Talk about vacation days!
Gabe:We have a policy here at Sabre where we are, uh, allowed to take two weeks.
Oscar:But I banked six weeks.
Angela:I already booked a Great Lakes cruise.
Meredith:Hey, who the hell's going through our stuff?
Gabe:Actually, that's Nick. He's your new IT guy. Uh, he's setting up a site blocker. Mostly blocking the inappropriate sites. And then there are the time-wasting sites like Twitter, YouTube. We are blocking those as well.
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