Mike's Cereal Shack Co Logo - The Office Meme Creator
the unofficial search engine and meme creator for The Office

Scott's Tots


Season 6, Episode 12, 15:07-15:53

Meme It!
Creed:Guys, I'm starting to think Pam's not really even pregnant.
Pam:Ok, for the record, I am pregnant and, obviously there has been some kind of a mistake, so why doesn't Jim just pick the next highest score on the list and we'll move on.
Phyllis:That's fair.
Dwight:Excellent idea, Pam.
Pam:Thank you.
Andy:That would be employee number three, which would be... son of a bitch, Pam Halpert.
Phyllis:How is that possible? No offense Pam, but how the hell is that possible?
Dwight:There must be some reasonable explanation for this.
Pam:No, wait, come on. I didn't miss a day, I came in early, I stayed late, and I doubled my sales last month.
Andy:Oh, really? From what, two to four?
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