Frame Toby
Season 5, Episode 8, 0:06-2:15
>>Angela:Are you swallowing them whole? You're eating them so fast, are they even touching your tongue?
Kevin:[with mouth full] Yes.
Dwight:Brownies is it? Hm. Pastry cubes made of sugar and fat? No thank you, I'll stick with my jerkie.
Jim:So why did you come in here?
Dwight:To socialize. And inform.
Michael:Oh brownies! I'm taking two so I can parcel them up and eat them at my leisure later on, much healthier.
Ryan:You're taking two?
Kelly:Yeah, um, but one of them is for Toby.
Michael:Yeah why don't you send that to him in Costa Rica?
Kelly:Um, I'm just gonna hand it to him right now.
Michael:Heh, okay, weirdo.
Jim:Why is that, why is that weird?
Michael:She said she was going to give it to him right now. [starts laughing]
Jim:[laughing] She's probably going to, cause they sit next to each other.
Michael:Yeah, they used to.
Jim:Toby works here again.
Michael:Oh, can you imagine?
Jim:Oh no.
Jim:You don't know.
Michael:I don't know. What?
Jim:You should probably just meander back there; take a look. See if he's, see if he's back.
Michael:Hmmm, dare I? [laughs] You know what? I'm going to, for old time's sake. [walks to the annex, standing in Toby's cubicle] Great practical joke Jim, you got me to go to the annex. [turns around and sees Toby]
Toby:Hi, Micha-
Michael:NOOOO! GOD! No, God, please no! No! No! NOOO!