Crime Aid

Bob:When are you getting to Bruce?
Michael:Uh, just a few more items.
All:[chanting] Bruce! Bruce! Bruce!
Michael:All right, all right, all right, all right, all right! Here we go. All right, big ticket item. [cheering] All right, in my pocket, I have... two tickets... to Mr. Bruce Springsteen, front... Oh, where are those? Has anyone seen an envelope with Bruce Springsteen front row tickets and backstage passes? Anybody seen something like-lying around?
Stanley:Do you want us to look for 'em?
Michael:No. I think they were stolen. I think they were stolen and they're gone forever. So... oh, that was the last good item. So, good job, everybody.
Phyllis:I have my hug.
Michael:Yeah, well, Phyllis, nobody... really wants a hug, so.
Bob:I'll bid on a hug.
Michael:She's your wife, you idiot.
Bob:100 dollars.
David Wallace:200
Michael:Uh, what the hell is happening?
Angela:What are you doing?
Andy:I need a hug, unless you're gonna give me one.
Angela:Not here.
Michael:300, we have 300. 300 going once. 300 going twice.
Dwight:300 and one penny.
Michael:300 and one penny, 300 and one penny.
Michael:325, 325.
David Wallace:350
Dwight:350 and one penny.
Michael:350 and one penny.
Michael:400, 400 hey batter batter.
Dwight:400 and one penny.