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Season 5, Episode 4, 15:45-16:29

Meme It!
Dwight:I had to get your attention. This is an emergency. [the air is let out of one of Phyllis' tires]
Phyllis:Why couldn't have you just said it? Why did you actually do it?
Dwight:Listen, she ignored my ultimatum. Now what?
Phyllis:Now you move on.
Dwight:Okay, fine. I've moved on. Now how do I get her back?
Phyllis:Well Dwight, I don't think you do. I think you've got your answer.
Dwight:Wait, that's it? That's your advice? I thought you had some kind of big master plan.
Phyllis:Well, I just think we all deserve to be with someone who wants to be with us.
Dwight:Oh. I get it. You're trying to secure your place as head of the party-planning committee. You're just being selfish. [Phyllis slaps Dwight] And you slap like a girl.
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