Baby Shower
Pam:[on phone] So you know Stacy, right?
Jim:Right, the one from England.
Pam:There's no one from England, Jim. Katie studied in Ireland - this is Stacy, the one who does the Murakami-style collages.
Jim:Oh. Right, that style.
Pam:So, Stacy and Eric get to Bogre's DeTech half an hour early so they don't have to sit on the slab.
Pam:Anyway, Bogre's TA Sarah Kaya comes in.
Jim:Wait, who's Sarah Kayacombsen?
Pam:No, Sarah Kaya comes in. Don't interrupt, I have like thirty seconds to finish this and get to DigiPres.
Pam:So Sarah Kaya says to Eric, 'No way. You can't reserve seats.' And Stacy gets all up in her face and Sarah Kaya picks up Stacy's new PM pad and throws it at the light box.
Jim:[clearly just humoring her] No... way!
Jim:Ha ha. That's hilarious?
Pam:No, it's horrible! Jim, she might get arrested.
Jim:Who, Stacy?
Pam:No, Stacy is a boy. Ugh. Frustrating. Why can't you just be in art class with me?
Pam:Oh, wait, I gotta go, class starting. [hangs up]
Jim:OK, I'll ta...I'll talk to you later. [hangs up] That was a good story.
Dwight:Who's Sarah Kayacombsen?